martes, 19 de junio de 2012


The first concessions made at the 1900 Paris games, to participate in golf and tennis, and four years later in archery, programme for women at the Olympics has suffered a considerable progress. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has said  that all new sport has to include a female test to have the possibility of being added to the Olympic program.

It has not been easy.
It was in Amsterdam, in 1928, where he finally took place real women Olympic early with 300 athletes more or less - almost 10 per cent of the total - and especially with their participation in sport King, the athletics.
At the Olympic Games "there are many more men, while women have a salary and lower premia". Aguiar, who prepares a report on female discrimination in sport, pointed out that the media present the athletes as "products", whose merits are the be "sexy" and "beautiful".
The Sydney games of 2000 marked a major step towards equality between women and men in the Olympic Games, after the progress already made in Atlanta.
Women participated in 36 disciplines against 37 for men. Women could not participate in the skills of boxing, fight or baseball. But reserved them, on the other hand, the exclusive in rhythmic gymnastics, softball and synchronized swimming.
Many names of women have left a mark in the history of the games: from the British Charlotte Cooper, first female gold medal, passing by Mildred Didrickson, the first star of women's athletics, or the Moroccan Nawal El Moutawakil, first individual champion African and Muslim until the Romanian Nadia Comaneci, the first gymnast women in obtaining the perfect note of "10" in gamesthe Montreal 1976.
Rocío Mosquera

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